version 0.8.6 (Jan 15, 2013) * Updated the English language manual. + Minor re-grouping of drive slot buttons. + Added directory print capability to image explorer window (Ray Ataergin) + Added boot capability from a Folder Image. Simply copy the DOS.SYS and DUP.SYS files from a DOS diskette to a PC Folder, mount the PC folder to drive slot#:1 as a Folder Image and boot your Atari. Currently only Atari DOS has a built-in support. MyDos will be supported on the next release. (Ray Ataergin) (For the time being if you need MyDOS support instead of Atari DOS, just replace the DOS.SYS and DUP.SYS files in the PC Folder with the corresponding ones from a MyDOS disk, you also need to supply a boot image file ($boot.bin) which contains the boot sectors (1-3) from a MyDOS disk (384 bytes) and replace the existing $boot.bin file in the application's directory (PC folder where AspeQt is installed). - Dropped ApeTime support from AspeQt. AspeCL is now the only supported Time/Date client + Remote Control software for AspeQt (see AspeQt documentation for more info) (Ray Ataergin) + Implemented auto-commit remote toggle capability to AspeCL, it was previously documented as "in development feature" (Ray Ataergin) + Implemented remote image file creating/mounting capability to AspeCL, it was previously documented as "in development feature" (Ray Ataergin) + Implemented remote image file mounting capability to AspeCL, it was previously documented as "in development feature" (Ray Ataergin) * Tested and fixed AspeCL client SpartaDos X date/time handling (this was not previously tested as I did not have SDX back then) (Ray Ataergin) * Updated AspeCL client code to accomodate SDX drives 9-15 (Ray Ataergin) * Updated AspeCL server code in AspeQt to accomodate SDX drives 9-15 (Ray Ataergin) version 0.8.5 * Updated the AspeQt English language user manual (Ray Ataergin) + New tooltips are added to display extend info on mounted image properties. + Increased the supported drive numbers from 8 to 15 for SDX compatibility (Ray Ataergin) * Fixed SDX incompatibility of Folder Images (Ray Ataergin - Many thanks to Drac0/Phearon/FJC for their contributions in solving the SDX cache problem) + Added browsing capability for Folder Images. This release only allows read-only support with drag & drop file copying from the Folder Image. Multiple Folder Images can be mounted (Ray Ataergin) * Fixed a bug where AspeQt opened the "application folder" instead of the "Last Image Folder" if the user wanted to mount a diskimage on a disk that already had an image mounted. (Ray Ataergin) + Added German translation (Florian Dingler) version 0.8.4 + Added Slovak translation (Victor Cech). * Fixed a path separator issue with Linux/Mac OS version 0.8.3 + Added option to keep the Boot Executable dialog open for succesive reboots of the same file (Ray Ataergin) * Updated Turkish language translation (Ray Ataergin) + Added a non-verbose version of AspeCl called AspeClQ (Q for quiet). AspeClQ does away with all help, status and error messages reducing the exe file size considerably. This is the version to use if memory is scarse or in a batch file without disturbing the current screen content. (Ray Ataergin) * Added new command line switches to AspeCl and the code to support it in AspeQt (Ray Ataergin) More than one switch can be specified on the command line and switches must be separated by at least one blank space. DA[ds] => Toggle auto-save OFF (s=0) or ON (s=1), on a given disk image (d). Toggling auto-save switch to ON will commit all pending changes to the affected disk image. Can be used to make sure all changes are committed before unmounting a disk image remotely. If the toggle is set ON on a newly created and mounted disk image, operator intervention will be required from the server (AspeQt) side to assign a file name to the image file before it's saved to PC hard disk. (Currently in development) DS[dd] => Swap disks, where dd are the drive numbers to be swapped (i.e DS15 will swap disks 1 and 5). Implemented in version 0.8.3 DU[d/*] => Unmount disk(s). Will either unmount a single disk [d], or all disks [*] Unmount will not unmount disks that have changes until the changes are commited. Disks set to "auto-commit" in AspeQt will be unmounted immediately as the changes to these images are commited automatically. Implemented in version 0.8.3 DM[fname.[ext]] => Mount an existing disk image, Will mount a supported disk image file from the last disk image directory used by AspeQt. The new image will be mounted to the first available disk slot (Currently in development) DN[fname.{ext].[1/2/3/4/5]] => Create and mount a new disk image. Will create a new disk image, assign a name to it, and mount it. The disk image will be created in the last image directory used by AspeQt (Currently in development) 1 - Standard Single Density 2 - Standard Enhanced density 3 - Standard Double Density 4 - Double sided, double density 5 - Double density Harddisk Example: DNmyhd.atr.5, will create a double density harddisk .atr image with the name myhd An example of invoking AspeCl with multiple command line switches: ASPECL TF DS18 DMbasicxe.atr => Will set the date/time and turn TD line OFF, will swap disks 1-8, will mount basicxe.atr to the first available disk slot, returning back the slot number to Atari. SEE ASPEQT USER MANUAL FOR COMPLETE ASPECL documentation. * Fixed a problem with AspeQt dropping from READY state when 1st opened. The bug was introduced by session enhancement in v8.0.2 (Ray Ataergin) + Added a 250ms delay to allow for COM port successfuly closing before it's re-opened when a session file is loaded. Without the delay AspeQt sometimes fails to re-connect to the COM port with a "Access Denied" error. (Ray Ataergin) version 0.8.2 + Added multi-session capability. This allows the AspeQt user to invoke multiple instances of AspeQt and use a different configurations for each session. Session files were already partly implemented in AspeQt to save/restore mounted disk image groups. This modification takes it further by adding other configuration settings unique to the session. AspeQt normally saves all it's settings to Windows Registry, and restores them from there when it's first launched. With this mod, AspeQt will first examine it's command line to see if a session file was specified, and if it was, then AspeQt will load it's session specific configuration parameters from the given session file. If no session file name was found, then AspeQt will load all of it's settings from Windows Registry as usual. See AspeQt documentation for session specific settings. (Ray Ataergin) * Updated some icons for consistency accross main window menu items (Ray Ataergin) * Fixed a problem with missing icon in About Dialog (Ray Ataergin) * Fixed a problem with Text Printer Window menu item icon not displaying properly (Ray Ataergin) * Fixed a problem with "last session directory" registry entry (Ray Ataergin) * Changed code to make sure all path separators are cross platform compatible (forward slash) in registry and session files (Ray Ataergin) version 0.8.1 + Added preliminary .ATX image support (does not seem to be fully functional) (Krzysztof Pyrkosz) * Updated Polish translation (Krzysztof Pyrkosz) * Updated Turkish translation (Ray Ataergin) + Added Russian translation (Nikita Zimin) * Updated high speed exe loader (Matthias Reichl) + Added auto-commit (auto-save) function for disk images. Changes made to disk images can now be saved automatically without user intervention (Ray Ataergin) version 0.8 + This version introduces the AspeQt client module AspeCl. AspeCl runs on the Atari computer and serves as a client to AspeQt. In this release only Date/Time functionality is implemented, in future releases more functionality will be added. (Ray Ataergin) AspeCl is fully compatible with SpartaDos and SDX, and support the following command line switches: TS => Set Date/Time on Atari TO => Set Date/Time on Atari and turn TD Line ON TF => Set Date/Time on Atari and turn TD Line OFF usage: AspeCl TS|TO|TF With the introduction of AspeCl the use of Apetime is now deprecated. AspeQt still supports Apetime as is with no further development to adapt to future releases of Apetime (Ray Ataergin) + MainWindow SIZE is now saved and restored (Ray Ataergin) + Added a "Strip Line Numbers" option when saving text printer output to a PC file. This will help ease the conversion of Atari based source programs printed through AspeQT for editing/compiling on a PC based IDE/Compiler (Ray Ataergin) * Reorganized About Dialog content (Ray Ataergin) + MainWindow POSITION is now saved and restored (Ray Ataergin) + Created and added an application icon, modified main window to use the new icon (Ray Ataergin). * Fixed a keyboard shortcut conflict with Windows on text printer output window and reassigned keyboard shortcuts (Ray Ataergin) version 0.7 + Disk slots now show the filename without the path. The directory path can be seen as a tooltip to filename, and the full path+filename can be seen as a statusTip on the status bar. This makes it much easier to read the mounted file/folder names. (Ray Ataergin) * Decrease the latency on Win32 systems (Matthias Reichl). * Remove the retry limit when waiting for a command frame (Matthias Reichl). + Modified Atari text output to display Ascii/Atascii split screen window (Ray Ataergin) + Added ATASCII font support for Atari text output (Ray Ataergin) * Fixed problems with Pokey divisors 0 and 1 on PAL 800XL. Set the baudrates to values actually supported by the FTDI chip to avoid possible rounding errors - resulting in too high speeds - (Matthias Reichl) * Fixed small backslash-escape issue in the project file (Matthias Reichl) * A (cosmetic) fix for the image size calculation in the "create image" dialog (Matthias Reichl) + Added support for ATRs with 8192 byte sectors (Matthias Reichl) + Added Turkish translation (Ray Ataergin) + Added option to send the Atari text output to a PC printer (Ray Ataergin) + Added option to display documentation (Ray Ataergin) + Relaxed the .atr integrity check rules to allow some .atr files that are larger than the header value to load (Ray Ataergin) version 0.6 + Added language selector and language selection based on system locale + Added polish translation by Krzysztof Pyrkosz * Many small fixes and improvements version 0.5.1 + Cassette image support * Some cosmetic fixes in the log display version 0.5 + Higher speeds than x3 (57600) can be achieved if the serial port adaptor supports them + New EXE booter with optional high speed SIO routines + Drag drop support for files with EXE, COM and XEX extensions + Preliminary printer emulation + Text conversion for image explorer is now working properly under Windows + Old temporary files resulting from crashes are now removed when AspeQt starts * Fixed some race conditions that could cause problems with multiple cores/CPUs version 0.4 * Fixed an image explorer bug that caused crashes + Added read-only SpartaDos support for image explorer version 0.3 + Image explorer for AtariDos / MyDos files + Support for 512 bytes/sector ATR images * Disk images are now opened using a temporary file - Compressed and raw disk image support is temporarily removed * Slightly improved folder images * Many GUI changes * Broken disk images are now rejected version 0.2 + Support for AtariSIO * Windows serial I/O backend is entirely rewritten version 0.1 + First public release