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The 1541U case for the 1541 Ultimate board has been released!

from Loriano Page:

After designing the case for the Minimig, some 1541 Ultimate users asked me to take on the rather difficult project of making a case for Gideon’s 1541 Ultimate board.

There have been a few different production runs of the 1541 ultimate boards. The case has been designed around and tested with batch 2 and batch 3 boards. I have also tested the case with one batch 4 and it fits nicely. Batch 1 is shorter than the more recent batch 2, 3 and 4, and does not fit in the case. A case just for batch 1 is in the works.

A lot of time, effort and money have gone in designing this case. I have tried to accommodate batch 2, batch 3 and batch 4 boards, their very subtle differences, boards with and without the Ethernet port and tried to make it work with both Commodore 64 models (classic and 64C) and at the same time include some of the users’ requests.

source: Loriano Pagni Homepage Order Page

  1. Tormentor
    April 24th, 2011 at 12:14 | #1

    I bought this case and it was worth its money. It fits perfectly, protects the U very well and looks great. Thanks a lot to Loriano. :)


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