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Photo Gallery of my Retro Collection

Photo Gallery update of my Retro Collection / Retro Trash

Photo Gallery update of my Retro Collection / Retro Trash.

Many things in the photos are not visible because are in hidden places or deliberately hidden.

I seem to have accumulated a lot of things in these long years and this is a good time to meditate what to do and what not to do, absolutely do not sell anything or donating, but also not continue to accumulate, in fact from a few months i’m moving just on repairs and modding and i must say that i feel much better.

Photo Gallery:

  1. September 8th, 2016 at 08:52 | #1

    This is the coolest lab I have ever seen!!!

  2. MuT
    September 14th, 2016 at 14:47 | #2

    …il mio concetto di paradiso!

  3. Aldo Christian Weith
    September 14th, 2016 at 15:11 | #3

    Ciao. Anch’io sono un collezionista ma io a differenza tua, provo a riparare qualcosina, a volte non riuscendoci. Insomma, non sono un professionista come te.
    Volevo chiederti una cosa.
    Ho una console xbox 360 a cui ho dovuto sostituire il lettore DVD. Ma ovviamente non funziona, non avendo “spostato’ la chiave dal lettore originale a quello nuovo.
    Per fare questa operazione è sufficiente leggere il numero tramite Jungle Flasher e poi scriverlo nel nuovo lettore? Oppure ci sono altri constraint?
    Stessa domanda volevo fartela anche per il primo modello di xbox.

    Grazie mille !

  4. February 22nd, 2022 at 11:21 | #4

    Great collection and website!

    Please take a look at https://www.homecomputermuseum.nl
    A really great home computer museum in Helmond, the Netherlands.
    If you visit the Netherlands, definitely worth a visit!

  5. Edoardo
    April 4th, 2022 at 10:50 | #5

    Im missing the old 360 Photo Sphere with tat fantastic music (made with Flash)!! I come many time to see that !! Is it some way to bring it back to life ?

  6. April 7th, 2022 at 19:21 | #6


    Hi Edoardo, Adobe Flash is EOL i have removed it because is deprecated, i’m looking a program for made a new one in HTML5.

  7. szemetlada
    April 12th, 2022 at 23:41 | #7

    @xAD / nIGHTFALL
    It is still here and works: https://www.nightfallcrew.com/pano/index.html
    But if you do plan to remove it, then it is a good thing that i have archived it.
