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Alternative Cleaner for Floppy Disk 5¼ (ALPS mechanics)

Floppy Disk  5¼ Cleaner (Alps mechanics)

This is the same article of the previous one “Floppy Disk Cleaner” with the only difference that i have used a ALPS mechanics.

I have also connected the RED Led throught a 680 ohm 1W resistor to the 12v line.

Previous post:

Why throwing away a Commodore Floppy Disk Drive with a broken head it could become a great gadget to clean Floppy Disks.

How to do ? just disassemble the entire part that controls the movement of the head including the head itself.

The power supply used is 12v with at least 1A, you must connect the positive to the BROWN wire and the negative to the BLACK wire of the motor control PCB.

Good Cleaning.


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