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1541 Ultimate is Open Source!

1541 UltimateThe software part of the 1541 Ultimate is from now on Open Source! Although the hardware still needs to be documented, people can already check out the source code, edit it and build new applications for the 1541 Ultimate! The source is released under GPL 3.0, which in short means that every addition to the source code will also need to be open sourced and the code or parts thereof may not be sold. The full license agreement can be found in the ‘root’ (trunk) of the SVN archive.

In order to build the software, you need to do the following:

  • Install Cygwin, or run under Linux. Make sure you have:
    • GNU make in order to run the makefiles.
    • GCC compiler, in order to build the conversion tools.
  • Install CC65 (http://www.cc65.org), and make sure you have the required environment variables and path set.
  • Install a SVN client package (either command line in Cygwin) or a graphical client such as Tortoise SVN.
  • Check out the repository from http://svn.xp-dev.com/svn/gideonz_1541Ultimate/
  • Go to the trunk directory and type ‘make’.

At this point, the archive is read-only. If you are a developer and want to make a significant contribution to the 1541 Ultimate, please contact me and we can discuss being a write-user on the archive. Bug fixes from others can be E-mailed as patches, which I’d happily merge with the archive.

Happy programming!

source: 1541ultimate.net

Categories: C64/SX64, News & Rumors, Today
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