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Hybrid SID Player + SID 8580R5 running on Olimex PIC32-T795

Hybrid SID Player with a real SID 8580R5 running on Olimex PIC32-T795

Hybrid SID Player with a real SID 8580R5 running on Olimex PIC32-T795.

After trying the sid player of Bakisha and have added some features (es: Big LCD ILI9341 / Real Sid) of course with the help of Bakisha, thanks Branko

I also wanted to try the Hybrid SID Player by Markus Gritsch. The schematic (omitting some components) and the firmware are untouched and released some years ago (2011-2012) by Markus Gritsch on the forum of Dangerous Prototype.

Since the CUI32 DEV Board where is born the Hybrid SID Player is no longer available from many years, i have used the DEV Board PIC32-T795 from Olimex based on the same MCU the PIC32MX795F512H.

I have made a hack on the PIC32-T795 development board because the two pins used for the rotary encoder are not available because they are used for the RTC, i just had to remove the MHz Crystal and two capacitors from the PIC32-T795 board, so i have solder two wires directly on the dev board pcb.

The purpose of all these experiments is make some hardware changes and new implementations to the final project that i will choose and then make an all-in-one pcb and make it public to anyone who wants to build it.



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