Home > Gallery, Retro Computers and other stuff..., SNK NeoGeo > SNK MV-2F MVS Modded with UniBios and Fixed

SNK MV-2F MVS Modded with UniBios and Fixed

Repaired and Modded ;-D


from Wikipedia:

The Neo Geo is a cartridge-based arcade and home video game system released in 1990 by Japanese game company SNK. The system offered comparatively colorful 2D graphics and high-quality sound.

A major platform for arcade games at the time, the system was also available as a costly home console. The two versions of the system were known as the AES (Advanced Entertainment System, the home version) and the MVS (Multi Video System, the arcade version).

The Neo Geo was marketed as 24-bit, though it was technically an 8/16/32-bit multiprocessing system.

source: wikipedia

  1. Eisner
    September 12th, 2010 at 23:02 | #1

    That MV-2F look so freaking sick! I have yet to browse the site, but how did you paint the MV-2F? Just spray paint? Anyway, I dig it, thanks for the post!


  2. September 12th, 2010 at 23:16 | #2


    Hi Eisner,

    I have painted it because the MV-2F box was so rusty. Yes, i have used Spray, but before i have sanded the box a little.

  3. Alex
    March 25th, 2012 at 19:46 | #3

    This is the MV-2 board not 2F how can you write 2F if its writen MV-2 on the board


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