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The C64 Mini & Max. There are those who like it and those who don’t

The C64 Mini & Max.

The C64 Mini & Max. There are those who like it and those who don’t.

There are those who like and those who do not like said Totò in the movie “Totò in color“, personally they make me throw up both. I have nothing more to say about these two terrible objects that try to EMULATE the Commodore 64 and the VIC-20 and should remember the 80s.

Why did i buy them ? i bought them because i like to collect beautiful things and ugly things, useless things and even more useless things.

So there is no a real “why”, i can only say that i haven’t even tried them, they are still packaged and will remain packed forever.

  1. Chris Kuta
    January 12th, 2020 at 23:22 | #1

    I feel the same way, the only useful thing I can say is that my 5 year old son was able to turn it on and navigate to menu and select a game and play it.. but with time he’ll be able to grasp loading games on a real c64 eventually so again back to useless. Also with ViCE you are able to add extra SIDs and REU etc and afaik you can’t do that with these?


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