Home > Nightfall Old Skool, Super Nintendo (snes) > Some Snes Trainer & Demos (n! Rulez)

Some Snes Trainer & Demos (n! Rulez)

Trainer by Popcorn of Nightfall, Code by Xad / Fox / Thor of Nightfall

Trainer in video games involves a video game player using non-standard methods for creating an advantage beyond normal gameplay, usually to make the game easier, or may also create unusual effects which do not necessarily make the game easier to play, such as giving characters different appearances, such as large heads. Cheats sometimes may take the form of “secrets” placed by game developers themselves.

  1. Patrick
    February 10th, 2016 at 10:01 | #1

    I have Marvel Super Heroes on SNES. It has a trainer when you start the game. I can’t enable any of the cheats listed. What am I doing wrong? “Select+L/R >> Trainer Off/On” I have pushed left and right on the d pad, the select button plus the L and R button. I have been trying for years, and I never gotten it to work. Please help.


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