Home > Firmware, News & Rumors, Today > 1541 Ultimate II: New firmware v2.4c (firmware updater fix)

1541 Ultimate II: New firmware v2.4c (firmware updater fix)

A new version of the firmware for the interface 1541 Ultimate is released. This version runs only on the 1541 Ultimate II cartridge.

NOTE: Version 2.4a and 2.4c are the same, except for the update program itself.

Version 2.4c includes the fixes that TLR made to the firmware, and adds the following features:

  • Extra checks added in the update program: Verify after flashing the pages and checking checksum of loaded files.

Download: 1541 Ultimate II Firmware v2.4c (1421)

source: 1541ultimate.net

Categories: Firmware, News & Rumors, Today
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