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PenUltimate+ VIC-20 Cartridge + Diagnostic DeadTest+ support

PenUltimate+ VIC-20 Cartridge with diagnostic DeadTest+ support

The new version of the PenUltimate+ cartridge even if apparently it seems identical to the previous version, is not, because the new version has some modifications and a software update made to support the DeadTest+ Diagnostic software.

All cartridges produced since December 2018 supports the DeadTest+ diagnostic software.

The DeadTest+ Diagnostic software can be lauched via the menu or by holding Reset button down for 10seconds at power on.

Compared to the first version this new one brings even more ROMs (70+) and a brand new user interface.

Some tfw8b games have been included (The Future Was 8Bit) including Cheese & Onion, RodMan, Pentagorat (Easier edition) and many others.

And of course, it’s still the best ram pack you’ll ever stuff into your VIC20. 3-35k expansion ram can be selected direct from the menu.

Many thanks to Dave Curran of Tynemouth Software and tfw8b (The Future Was 8Bit)


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