
Archivio per 14 July 2010

CBM-Command v1.0.4 Beta

CBM-Command è un disk manager multipiattaforma per Commodore 64 / Commodore 128 / Commodore VIC20 / Commodore C16. L’interfaccia assomiglia al Norton Commander / Midnight Commander ma molto più semplice e perfettamente integrata nel sistema operativo. La versione per Commodore 128 puo’ girare anche a 80 colonne.

Release Notes – 2010-07-13 – Version 1.0.3/1.0.4

New Features:

  • (ALL) New color picker for the configuration program
  • (64, 128, PLUS 4) 1581 Disk Image (D81) Support


  • (ALL) Removed CTRL key from hot keys that previously required it. Hot keys the use the C= key still require it.
  • (ALL) If you have 1 or more files selected (highlighted) and choose delete, all selected files will be deleted. If you do not have any files selected (highlighted) then only the file that the selector is pointing to will be deleted.
  • (ALL) When you rename a file the textbox is pre-populated with the name of the old file.
  • (VIC 20, Plus 4) Configuration files are enabled and working correctly
  • (ALL) Changed the UI for file transfers to use a new progress bar to give feedback on the copy operation.
  • (64, 128, Plus 4) Changed the UI for disk image creation/writing to use a new progress bar to give feedback on the image operation.

Known Issues:

  • (VIC 20) Many of the keyboard shortcuts on the left side of the keyboard do not work under VICE. After speaking with members of the VICE team they are pretty sure this is a problem in the GETIN kernel routine which is used by cc65. I would greatly appreciate it if someone with a real VIC can verify that the keys do not work on real hardware before I bring the problem up in the cc65 forums.
  • (Plus 4) Viewing a text file crashes the program.


A new game for Atari 2600: L.E.M. Lunar Excursion Module

Questo e’ un nuovo gioco per la console Atari 2600, il gioco e’ stato scritto da Philsan un’utente del forum di Atariage.

source: atariage forum

Categorie:Atari, News & Rumors, Today

(English) Orion Prime / Cargosoft: The Best adventure game for Amstrad CPC