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JS VIC-20 – Javascript emulator of the Commodore VIC-20

JS VIC-20 e’ un’emulatore del Commodore VIC-20 scritto in Java e realizzato da Matt Dawson. Vi consigliamo di utilizzare le ultime versioni di Chrome o Firefox per il corretto funzionamento dell’emulatore.

source: commodore-gg.hobby.nl

  1. 6 June 2019 a 10:37 | #1

    The equals key(“=”) does not work. You get “-” instead. I can’t find any other way to access the “=” key.

  2. Matt
    3 January 2024 a 0:27 | #2

    To get ‘=’ push the ‘\’ key.
    From looking at the code the only key missing is the up arrow symbol.


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