Home > Firmware, News & Rumors, Today > 1541 Ultimate II: New firmware v2.5 and v2.5+

1541 Ultimate II: New firmware v2.5 and v2.5+

E’ stato rilasciato un nuovo aggiornamento firmware per l’interfaccia 1541 Ultimate II di Gideon. Questa versione del firmware funziona solo con la versione della cartuccia 1541 Ultimate II (nuovo fpga).

Version 2.5 includes some new features:

  • File viewer.
  • Selectable colors in user interface.

This version also includes some fixes for nasty memory allocation bugs that existed when using USB sticks. Removal of a USB device is now at least a lot safer. Also, some file system bugs were fixed.

Version 2.5+ includes some new features:

The ‘plus’ version of 2.5 including a special 7-voice audio engine. This version is based on the same 2.5 with the bugfixes and a special FPGA build can it only supports ONE floppy drive, in favor of extra audio functionality.


source: 1541ultimate.net

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