Milton Bradley (MB) Super Simon

Milton Bradley (MB) Super Simon


testo tratto dalla homepage di wikipedia:

Simon è un celebre gioco elettronico della Milton Bradley, inventato da Ralph Baer (creatore anche della prima console per videogiochi, la Magnavox Odyssey del 1972).

Fu lanciato negli Stati Uniti nel 1978 e successivamente diffuso in tutto il mondo, conquistando un enorme successo e diventando un simbolo della cultura pop negli anni ottanta.

source: wikipedia

  1. 9 September 2011 a 13:54 | #1

    One of the greatest toys in the early 80′s, I bought last week (wk 35/2011) a Pocket Simon version and its still a fun toy to play with.

    Easy, exiting and family fun are the keywords for Simon

  2. 9 September 2011 a 15:05 | #2

    Mart :

    One of the greatest toys in the early 80′s, I bought last week (wk 35/2011) a Pocket Simon version and its still a fun toy to play with.

    Easy, exiting and family fun are the keywords for Simon

    You are welcone Mart,

    Yes, this is a great Family Game, i like it so much.


  3. Roberta
    10 February 2013 a 12:02 | #3

    I have this game since i was a child, unfortunately i lost the instructions during the years… Could you please help me? I cannot remember how to play in the different ways…


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