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Sharp MZ-80 I/O (Interface Unit)

Sharp MZ-80 I/O (Interface Unit)


Ho rimosso i due condensatori in poliestere (utilizzati come filtro) che sono esplosi dopo pochi secondi dall’accensione.

L’interfaccia MZ-80 I/O e’ un dispositivo per collegare tramite un bus proprietario periferiche come stampanti, floppy drive, seriali al computer MZ-80K.

  1. Ade
    6 January 2014 a 14:50 | #1

    I’d just like to say a huge THANKS! for posting the pics of the circuit boards. I’ve been trying to get my hands on one of these units for years & failing every time. Hopefully, between your pictures & the rather rough copy of the service manual that I have, I will be able to build one from scratch.



cinque − = 4