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(English) Tulip Computers (CompuData) Tulip System 1

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  1. QuadlessPyjack
    10 September 2016 a 22:04 | #1

    As a Tulip 1 owner I have to say this page has been a life saver for me.
    My unit was part of the former Romanian Institute for Research in Electronics (Institutul de Cercetari in Electronica – ICE), Iasi branch. My dad used to be a researcher there before ending up at Siemens. I had this computer since I was 5 but due to a missing PSU I only recently actually had the smarts required to improvise a replacement and boot it up.

    Unfortunately the EPROM ROM has suffered from bit rot and the MS-DOS it had on memory is unbootable.

    I noticed you have a ROM dump attached here but there are multiple files and I have no idea which is which or how would I be supposed to flash them on a new EPROM memory.

    If somehow someone manages to read this message, I’d really like to know how I could flash a new EPROM from those files so I could actually get the Tulip to boot into an operating system.
    Drinks on me if I ever get the chance!

    PS: tried registering on the BBS as a new user but it kept telling me that the new password is incorrect (??)


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