MicroDigital TK-83 – RF (PAL-M) to Composite NTSC

La modifica per l’uscita video composita del computer Microdigital TK-83 a differenza dello Sinclair ZX81 e’ piu’ semplice.

Non occorre installare il solito transistor con 1 o 2 resistenze / condensatore. Il transistor e’ gia’ installato sulla scheda madre del Microdigital TK-83, dunque basta prelevare il segnale video come viene descritto nella foto.

Vi ricordo che il segnale di uscita sara’ in standard NTSC per il Microdigital TK-83 prodotto in Brasile (PAL-M).

  1. 5 September 2013 a 4:36 | #1

    How, for the love of Osiris, HOW did you manage to get one of these? They’re impossible to find even here in Brazil!

  2. 12 September 2013 a 21:52 | #2

    Just an amend to the blog: PAL-M is the very same as NTSC, just the chroma signal is PAL. Since all ZX81 & clones produce only black and white image there is no conversion between standards.

  3. 12 September 2013 a 23:32 | #3


    Yes, you are absolutely right.


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