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Riparazione scheda madre Macintosh SE/30.

Riparazione scheda madre Macintosh SE/30.

Ho passato molti mesi (otto per l’esattezza) per riparare alcune di queste schede madri del macintosh SE/30 come potete vedere nella galleria.

I difetti che ho potuto riscontrare e riparare sono:

  • Alcuni chip Multiplexer (74F253 o simili) bruciati.
  • Alcuni Video Ram bruciatr.
  • Ls Scheda madre era molto sporca.
  • Sostituiti tutti Condensatori Elettrolitici.
  • Togliere e pulire i piedini della RAM (SIMM) e della ROM (SIMM).
  • Alcune tracce del circuito stampato erano corrose dall’acido o interrotte.
  • Sostituzione della batteria al litio con una nuova.
  • Saldature fredde sui chip: RP4/RP5/RP6 – UI2/UI3/UI4 – UJ2/UJ3/UJ4

Il difetto che potete vedere nella prima foto e che dovrebbe essere il “Pattern Bar Jail” o “Smile Mac in carcere”, in questo caso non è stato così. Per questo motivo ho passato molto tempo per trovare il guasto.

Tuttavia, ho recuperato 3 schede madri e mi reputo abbastanza soddisfatto.

source: Repair Macintosh SE/30 68kmla.org #1 68kmla.org #2

  1. Romeo
    6 September 2012 a 12:15 | #1

    i would like to repair a SE30, and the first problem is that: I have the chip 341-650-A AMI 9005 MBP with two broken pins :(:(
    Do you think I can find the part to replace it ?
    Thank you very much!

  2. Lantz Newberry
    31 May 2015 a 0:00 | #2

    Hello I own a working Mac SE/30 which was in storage for a couple years. I just pulled it out and booted up and it’s making working noises but there’s no start up chime and the screen stays black except for every once in a while there’s flashes of light like a birthday I’m starting the middle with streaks horizontal. It’s always worked perfectly so I went online and saw some articles about corroding capacitors and then found your article. Have you ever just clean the motherboard and have it work? Or have you always had to fix the capacitors and other components?

  3. Lantz Newberry
    31 May 2015 a 0:02 | #3

    This was the article about the corroded capacitors

  4. Lantz Newberry
    31 May 2015 a 0:04 | #4

    Lantz Newberry :
    Hello I own a working Mac SE/30 which was in storage for a couple years. I just pulled it out and booted up and it’s making working noises but there’s no start up chime and the screen stays black except for every once in a while there’s flashes of light like a bursting star in the middle with horizontal streaks. It’s always worked perfectly so I went online and saw some articles about corroding capacitors and then found your article. Have you ever just clean the motherboard and have it work? Or have you always had to fix the capacitors and other components?

  5. 1 June 2015 a 11:14 | #5

    @Lantz Newberry

    You must thoroughly clean the motherboard and replace all electrolytic capacitors.

    Best regards.


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