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(English) Easy trick to improve a little bit the video quality for the C64

Ci spiace, ma questo articolo è disponibile soltanto in English.

  1. Cercamon
    29 January 2016 a 12:45 | #1

    Is it just a matter of disconnecting that resistor? How much does the image quality improve? Do you have pictures of a monitor connected to the video port of a modded C64, before and after the mod? Thanks.

  2. 29 January 2016 a 12:55 | #2


    Hi Cercamon, the image improve very little , just a little more clean.

    I use only SVIDEO output.

    The article where i have found this mod with a different version of the modulator is here:


  3. Thomas Mc
    25 March 2017 a 21:28 | #3

    Thanks for the article – I have an NTSC C64c and read over this article and a few others. Took a chance and disconnected the L2 on the RF modulator, and saw a little bit of brightness and color return to the s-video signal (just a slight change, but noticable) and remove a little bit of the “noise” on the screen. Good stuff.


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