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SD2Iec v1.2 KIT – PCB & Components

SD2Iec v1.2 KIT - Components & PCB


SD2IEC – è un’interfaccia hardware che emula il Floppy Drive 1541 del Commodore 64 utilizzando una scheda SD al posto dei Floppy da 5 pollici 1/4.

Il firmware e’ disponibile sotto licenza (GPL) Open Source.

source: sd2iec.de gitweb forum thread c64-wiki

  1. Antitrack
    16 March 2010 a 12:50 | #1

    How expensive was it – where can one buy this ?

  2. 16 March 2010 a 14:51 | #2


    May 2008: 2 x SD2Iec in KIT with ATMEL Soldered incluse shipping: 47.50 Euro

  3. ivan
    19 December 2017 a 17:23 | #3

    salve, per 2 kit le spedizioni per l’italia quanto costano?
    hi, for 2 kits shipments for Italy how much do they cost?

  4. ivan
    19 December 2017 a 17:30 | #4

    send me all the details of the shipments and the costs for 1 kit to this e-mail jb75@hotmail.it

  5. 20 December 2017 a 19:39 | #5

    Salve Ivan , l’articolo e’ del 2009, questi KIT non erano in vendita e non lo sono tuttora, qui non si vende nulla.

    Se cerchi SD2IEC ne trovi a centinaia su ebay:



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