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1541 Ultimate: Aggiornamento firmware v2.4

E’ stato rilasciato un nuovo aggiornamento firmware per l’interfaccia 1541 Ultimate di Gideon. Questa versione del firmware funziona con tutte e due le versioni della cartuccia Ultimate 1541.

Version 2.4 includes the fixes that TLR made to the firmare, and adds the following features:

  • CRT load (just by selecting the file, not on boot time)
  • EasyFlash support (reading only, writing is not needed IMHO)
  • Flashing and running custom FPGAs (Ultimate-II only), especially for those who want to do FPGA development without JTAG cable. FPGA bitfile will be flashed into the spare area of the Flash memory device, and the FPGA is booted from there. So there is no risk of bricking your device. (Flashing needs to be done for every boot still, optimizations will follow.)

For the rest, a lot of work has been done ‘under the hood’; especially in preparation of a native command interface to control the Ultimate from I/O space. But since this is not yet ready, it’s not included (=not enabled) in the 2.4 firmware.


source: 1541ultimate.net

  1. Smithy
    1 January 2012 a 20:45 | #1

    This is quite an epic update.
    The CRT and easyflash support,
    now makes the 1541 Ultimate compatible with every form of media that was ever used for the C64.
    Can’t wait to receive to mine preloaded with 2.4 in the next 2 months,
    thanks for all your hard work and happy new year!


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