Home > News & Rumors, OSx/Linux/Win Tools, Today > Hoxs64 v1.0.8.3. Nuovo aggiornamento per l’emulatore di C64

Hoxs64 v1.0.8.3. Nuovo aggiornamento per l’emulatore di C64

Hoxs64 scritto da David Horrocks e’ un’ottimo Emulatore di Commodore 64 per Microsoft Windows 2K/XP/Vista/Seven (DirectX 9+).


  • Bug fix to VIC. Removed faulty VIC ClockNextWakeUpClock runtime (not debugger) mode optimiser code that had caused the Technological Snow demo by Agony Design to fail since v1.0.6.3.
  • EasyFlash v2 title screen glitch now fixed by correcting the “hard reset” code to set the sprite Y expansion flip-flops.


source: hoxs64.net

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