The Final Cartridge III


testo tratto dalla homepage di Wikipedia:

La Final Cartridge III era una cartuccia d’espansione molto popolare, creata per il Commodore 64 ed il Commodore 128, prodotta dalla Riska B.V. Home & Personal Computers. Le sue caratteristiche sono: un acceleratore di caricamenti (fast loader) sia per i dischi che per le cassette, un monitor per l’esecuzione di codice macchina, nuovi comandi BASIC, un bottone di reset ed un freezer.

Manuale della Final Cartridge III

Materiale gentilmente donato da Krille McKrill.

source: wikipedia

  1. Karl
    27 January 2010 a 12:36 | #1

    These were fantastic !, I had a similar cartridge FREEZE FRAME MKII .
    Any idea were I might be able to get my hands on one of these ?

    Thanks in advance

  2. Calhoun
    10 March 2013 a 2:05 | #3

    Hi All
    I looking for a circuit diagram from Final Cartridge III
    with one EPROM chip 27c512 only, can you help me ?

  3. 10 March 2013 a 2:18 | #4
  4. Calhoun
    10 March 2013 a 4:15 | #5

    thank you I found and have this one but I need version with one ROM chip only…
    doesn’t exist ? :-(

  5. Calhoun
  6. Peter
    17 March 2015 a 3:58 | #7

    The FC3 is my favourite Cartridge on the C64. I love this piece and now i have three of it. Very compatible Fastloader, very good monitor, good freezer and good F-key-commands. Another plus is the compatibility of the FC3-fastloader to many SD2IEC-filebrowsers, which makes the FC3 good to use with a SD2IEC together!

  7. Andy
    13 May 2017 a 15:18 | #8

    Yep, the FC3 (Final Cartridge 3) and the AR6 (Action Replay) were the two best cartridges back in time. Some things i like more on the AR6, other things on the FC3. I heard that some years ago a cartridge, which is a combination of both was made public, called “Final Replay”, but none of my friends had one of these.

  8. 17 February 2019 a 21:55 | #9

    Hi, I run a small retro channel at and would love to feature 1 or 2 of your photos from this page and credit you with a thank you link in the description. They seem to be marked on Google Images as public domain.

    Whilst I have no doubt you’d be agreeable, I always like to let people know in advance. But of course if you’d rather I didn’t, please do not hesitate to say so :)

    Thanks so much for your contribution to the retrocomputing community.

    Your friend in retro,

  9. 25 February 2019 a 11:47 | #10


    Hi Perifractic , yes , absolutely no problem , use it.
