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uIEC/SD v3.0 Now available!

notizia dal forum: Petscii “PETSCII.COM”

Sono disponibili 90 PCB uIEC SD v3.0. L’interfaccia uIEC utilizza lo stesso firmware di Ingo Korb per l’SD2IEC.

Caratteristiche tecniche:

  • uIEC/SD is currently the smallest known CBM drive (1.5″ x 1.5″ by 0.3″). Perfect for embedding in your favorite machine, drive, or calculator (shout out to Tone007, who stuffed one in a CBM pocket calculator)
  • uIEC/SD shares the same 128kB Atmel AVR 8-bit microcontroller as the rest of the uIEC line. With 51kB used for firmware, there’s plenty of room left for the future.
  • uIEC/SD comes complete for use with IEC connector and power supply cassette port connector. VIC/64/C128 users can simply plug the wires in and use. (SX64/+4/C116/C16 users need to source 5V elsewhere, let me know before purchasing if you’d like an alternate connector)
  • Although not yet defined for use, uIEC/SD offers an additional switch line and programmatic LED for future use.
  • uIEC/SD not only supports SD and SDHC cards, but either SD or SDHC cards can also be used for updating the firmware (new feature, older firmware update software only supports SD cards)

source: petscii forums uIEC gallery

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