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CBM-Command (2010-05-10)

CBM-Command è un disk manager per Commodore 64 e Commodore 128.

L’interfaccia assomiglia al Norton Commander / Midnight Commander ma molto più semplice. La versione per Commodore 128 gira a 80 colonne.

Release Notes – 2010-05-10

New Features:

  • Launching PRG Files.
  • New color schemes to better match the C128 and C64 platforms.
  • Function Keys.


  • File copying is now faster on really fast drives by using 1018 byte buffers instead of 254 byte buffers.
  • Files selected in the right panel can now be copied to the left panel.
  • When no drive has been selected, opening a panel will now use the drive that the program was loaded from.
  • Many, many other bug fixes.

source: cbmcommand.codeplex.com

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