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Nuovo firmware per The return of the Hybrid Sid Player v1.14

The return of the Hybrid Sid Player by xAD/Nightfall & Gianluca Renzi (RetroBit Lab)

Basato sul progetto di Markus Gritsch pubblicato negli anni 2011-2015 sul forum dangerousprotypes. Grazie Markus.


v1.14 – 22/8/2021


  • Illegal/undocumented opcodes to the CPU Emulator:
    • ISC (Combination of two operations with the same addressing mode: INC, followed by SBC)
  • Display emulation clock:
    • I used the same position of the OLED display where the sid Subtunes are displayed (if are present), otherwise if the song doesn’t support subtunes it will displayed in the same position the type of clock speed emulation: |CIA| or |VBI|.


  • DMP files additional information:
    • Display of additional information of the SID when a DMP files is played but there are no additional information to display in the header of the DMP files.
  • CPU timing:
    • Some months ago when i wanted to fix the timing of the 6510 CPU emulator i made an unforgivable huge mistake :-D
  • Random Playing Mode:
    • The load routine try to load a index of a file that don’t exist and everything freeze.
  • File error handling:
    • When an load error occurs and you are in the TUNEINFO mode the player don’t back to the FILE Browsing mode.

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