Home > Firmware, News & Rumors, Today > 1541 Ultimate II: Rilasciato il nuovo firmware v2.0RC5 e i Sorgenti

1541 Ultimate II: Rilasciato il nuovo firmware v2.0RC5 e i Sorgenti

testo tratto dalla Homepage 1541 Ultimate:

  • Last firmware version: 2.0RC5 is now downloadable from the download page.
  • Ultimate-II sources released!

You can access them through http://svn2.xp-dev.com/svn/1541UltimateII/.

For those who know how to use SVN, you can do a checkout to create a local working copy by typing:

svn co http://svn2.xp-dev.com/svn/1541UltimateII/trunk

in an empty directory. I am working on a short manual, and on access to the tools needed to build the project. This time, the FPGA sources have been released as well. ;-)

source: 1541ultimate.net

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