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The software for the 1541 Ultimate II is finished.

1541 Ultimatetesto tratto dalla Homepage 1541 Ultimate:

il software per l’interfaccia Ultimate 1541 II è stato completato. Nelle ultime due settimane ho fatto molti progressi implementando tutte queste features:

  • USB is now working stable, including insertion and removal.  (My external 500 GB harddisk was detected flawlessly!)
  • Support for USB devices with multiple LUNs (like card readers)
  • GCR (G64) supported added, including write (the Ultimate-I couldn’t do this)
  • T64 file support re-integrated.
  • Tape support, using TAP files (I needed to test the hardware anyway!)
  • Comprehensible menus.
  • Real time clock functional  (still need a clock widget…)
  • I made a wooden mould, to simplify closing the plastic cases without damaging them.

Penso di riuscire spedire le prime 40~50 interfacce il prossimo Mercoledì! Le rimanenti interfacce saranno spedite al più presto! Grazie per la vostra pazienza!

source: 1541ultimate.net

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