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Dtvtrans+ v1.0

dtvtrans is a PC <-> C64DTV V2/V3 transfer solution. It uses a cable connected between the parallel port of the PC and a joystick port on the C64DTV. (port 1, port 2 and the user port supported).

The transfer speed is roughly 15 Kbyte/s PC -> DTV and 13 KByte/s DTV -> PC. Used with Lallafa’s dtv2ser+usb hardware it is roughly 17 KByte/s PC -> DTV and 19 KByte/s DTV -> PC.

dtvtrans+ 1.0 (20081122) 1570 Changelog:

  • [PC] disable safe setup by default due to problems with some setups
  • [PC] exit on transfer errors
  • [PC] updated autoflash helper (fixes AT49BV163A)

download: picobay.com/dtv_wiki

Categorie:DTV, News & Rumors, Today
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