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ASAP v3.1.4 – Another Slight Atari Player

Con ASAP Music Player si torna indietro di 20 anni, dato che si possono ascoltare le musiche dell’Atari 8-bit su Windows / Mobile (Android) /Linux. ASAP emula in modo perfetto il chip audio POKEY e il processore 6502.

Il progetto era inizialmente basato sulle routine utilizzate dall’emulatore Atari800, ma la versione attuale ha un core di emulazione completamente nuovo.

Changelog ASAP 3.1.4 (2013-04-29):

  • Android: plays in background, can switch to next/previous/random file, opens M3U playlists, file selector can display metadata, “back” returns to parent directory.
  • WASAP fixed to avoid occasional deadlock when opening files during playback.
  • VLC plugin compiled for OS X.
  • 64-bit RPMs.
  • Fixed time detection for CMS.
  • Windows Explorer displays titles for RMT, TMC, TM2.
  • “Show information about the currently playing file” restored after Winamp/XMPlay restart.
  • TortoiseSVN and TortoiseGit plugins don’t depend on libz-1.dll.
  • asapscan calculates SAP fingerprints (contributed by Jakub Husak).
  • Experimental ASAP2WAV in Perl.

Download: ASAP v3.1.4 (1406)

source: asap.sourceforge.net

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