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Keyword: ‘vic switch’

Hoxs64 Commodore 64 Emulator Updated v1.0.5.27

Hoxs64 Commodore 64 EmulatorHoxs64 e’ un semplice ma funzionale Emulatore di  Commodore 64 per Microsoft Windows 2K/XP/Vista.

13 August 2009 v1.0.5.27

  • Added general option to enable/disable opposing joystick directions.
  • Speed optimisation to the CPU, CIA and VIC. The emulation is noticeable faster on lines with no DMA fetches and no IRQs.
  • Bug fix to the reverse keyboard matrix. Was broken for years!
  • Accurate emulation of the $DD00 VIC bank switch bug.

Unless something is majorly broken, the next release will include the long awaited debugger. Work on the debugger is now in progress.

source: hoxs64.net

MCC: Multiple Classic Computer Platform

Multiple Classic Computer Platformdalla Homepage:

Questa Scheda o Interfaccia dal nome MCC: Multiple Classic Computer Platform ci riportera’ indietro di almeno 20 anni.

Utilizzando un sofisticato chip custom “FPGA” sara’ in grado di Emulare alla perfezione i seguenti computer degli anni 80: Atari ST, Sinclair’s ZX-Spectrum, Commodores VC20, VC-64 e ovviamente la serie Amiga 500, 1000, 2000.

Di seguito le caratteristiche principali che promettono molto bene.

Caratteristiche principali:

  • Old Joystick interfaces allow the usage of classic input devices.
  • A stereo/audio output allows the connection to each TV set, amplifier or computer monitor to explore enhanced sound.
  • Different versions for PAL and NTSC regions allow seamless usage and compatibility.
  • All this paired with the newest available hardware and new interface, like SD-Card, S-Video and RGB Output, improve the picture quality and the openness of the systems.
  • An internal memory enables the permanent storage of favorite games and applications, the menu overlay allows for easy selection of the application or game and the desired Classic Computer.

source: arcaderetrogaming.com

Sinclair (Amstrad) ZX Spectrum +3 con Floppy disk / RGB / DivIDE

ZX Spectrum +3 / Floppy / Joystick SJS 1 / PowerSupply


da museo-computer.it:

Lo Spectrum +3 e’ stato l’ultimo, nonche’ il piu’ evoluto della famiglia Spectrum. Arrivato troppo tardi, ad un prezzo troppo elevato e, soprattutto, con un drive non standard questo Spectrum ha fatto veramente fatica ad imporsi sul mercato.

Un vero peccato perche’, smontandolo, si nota quanto pesante sia stato il lavoro Amstrad sull’architettura Spectrum: nuova ROM, nuovi integrati e scheda completamente ridisegnata. La cosa piu’ folle in assoluto e’ sicuramente rappresentata dal floppy da 3″ integrato.

source: museo-computer divide homepage divide forum

Divide 57c / 1GB CompactFlash per Sinclair Spectrum (tutti i modelli)

Divide 57c


L’interfaccia Divide per ZX Spectrum e’ un adattarore IDE formato ATA (compatibile con Harddisk/Lettori crom/CF) dove potrai mettere la tua collezione di software in formato TAP/TXZ/Z80 per essere poi caricati ed eseguiti tramite un comodo e semplice menu’.


  • divIDE uses full 16 bits of ATA bus.
  • divIDE works on all ZX Spectrum flavours (16, 48, 48+, 128, +2, +2A, +3 and clones)
  • Thanks to divIDE’s onboard logic, theoretical transfer speed is 218 KB/sec (determined by the latency of INI/OUTI instructions).
  • divIDE has 8 KB of shadow flash ROM that hosts operating system core, leaving your original ZX Spectrum ROM intact. Additional 32 KB of RAM accessible as 8 KB memory banks are present.
  • divIDE’s auto-mapping feature transparently maps shadow ROM at important entry points, enabling standard tape emulation, BASIC extensions, NMI menu and DISCiPLE/+D or BetaDisk emulation.
  • divIDE’s MAPRAM feature helps developers and users to test new software without the need of reflashing their working system in shadow ROM. It can also emulate another 8 KB of ROM if necessary.
  • divIDE works with all ATA-compatible devices (there are no known compatibility issues).
  • Available software supports widely used emulator formats (TAP, SNA, Z80, SCR). Just download your all-time favourite games from the web and play!

source: divide homepage divide forum

Commodore Modem Model 8010

Commodore Modem Model 8010


Questo e’ il mio primo modem (Accoppiatore Acustico) veniva venduto per il Commodore PET ma si poteva utilizzare anche sul Commodore 64 collegandolo prima ad una interfaccia IEEE488 venduta separatamente.


  • Origine: USA
  • Piu’ venduto: Usa
  • Rarita’: Abbastanza Raro.
  • Anno: 1979-1983

I primissimi modelli di modem non venivano connessi alla linea telefonica tramite doppino telefonico, bensi’ erano dotati di un’apparecchiatura supplementare nella quale si inseriva la cornetta telefonica: l’accoppiatore telefonico. era composto da due cavita’, in una era presente un microfono (per ospitare la parte superiore della cornetta) e nell’altra un piccolo altoparlante (per ospitare la parte inferiore della cornetta).

uIEC/SD v3.0 Now available!

notizia dal forum: Petscii “PETSCII.COM”

Sono disponibili 90 PCB uIEC SD v3.0. L’interfaccia uIEC utilizza lo stesso firmware di Ingo Korb per l’SD2IEC.

Caratteristiche tecniche:

  • uIEC/SD is currently the smallest known CBM drive (1.5″ x 1.5″ by 0.3″). Perfect for embedding in your favorite machine, drive, or calculator (shout out to Tone007, who stuffed one in a CBM pocket calculator)
  • uIEC/SD shares the same 128kB Atmel AVR 8-bit microcontroller as the rest of the uIEC line. With 51kB used for firmware, there’s plenty of room left for the future.
  • uIEC/SD comes complete for use with IEC connector and power supply cassette port connector. VIC/64/C128 users can simply plug the wires in and use. (SX64/+4/C116/C16 users need to source 5V elsewhere, let me know before purchasing if you’d like an alternate connector)
  • Although not yet defined for use, uIEC/SD offers an additional switch line and programmatic LED for future use.
  • uIEC/SD not only supports SD and SDHC cards, but either SD or SDHC cards can also be used for updating the firmware (new feature, older firmware update software only supports SD cards)

source: petscii forums uIEC gallery

Sid Switcher (6581 <-> 8580)

15 November 2008 Nessun commento

Questo mio progetto vi dara’ la possibilita’ di Switchare due SID (6581 / 8580). Alcuni brani musicali (SID tunes) sono stati scritti per il SID 6581 e non suonano correttamente sul SID 8580 e viceversa, con questo semplice progetto potrete switchare il SID a piacimento. Questo non e’ un clone del SId2Sid Clone. Questo e’ un SId Switcher ;-D

source: 6581-Wiki