
Archivio per la categoria ‘DTV’

uIEC/SD v3.0 Now available!

notizia dal forum: Petscii “PETSCII.COM”

Sono disponibili 90 PCB uIEC SD v3.0. L’interfaccia uIEC utilizza lo stesso firmware di Ingo Korb per l’SD2IEC.

Caratteristiche tecniche:

  • uIEC/SD is currently the smallest known CBM drive (1.5″ x 1.5″ by 0.3″). Perfect for embedding in your favorite machine, drive, or calculator (shout out to Tone007, who stuffed one in a CBM pocket calculator)
  • uIEC/SD shares the same 128kB Atmel AVR 8-bit microcontroller as the rest of the uIEC line. With 51kB used for firmware, there’s plenty of room left for the future.
  • uIEC/SD comes complete for use with IEC connector and power supply cassette port connector. VIC/64/C128 users can simply plug the wires in and use. (SX64/+4/C116/C16 users need to source 5V elsewhere, let me know before purchasing if you’d like an alternate connector)
  • Although not yet defined for use, uIEC/SD offers an additional switch line and programmatic LED for future use.
  • uIEC/SD not only supports SD and SDHC cards, but either SD or SDHC cards can also be used for updating the firmware (new feature, older firmware update software only supports SD cards)

source: petscii forums uIEC gallery

durexForth (Forth for Commodore 64)

Forth è un linguaggio di programmazione molto vecchio e molto simile al LISP ma rispetto al Basic del C64 e’ sicuramente piu’ evoluto e dinamico.

Da Wikipedia: Il Forth è un linguaggio di programmazione sviluppato da Chuck Moore presso l’US National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) durante gli anni ’60 (ma che venne formalizzato solo nel 1977, per essere poi standardizato dall’ANSI nel 1994).

Il nome deriva dal fatto che Moore pensava fosse un linguaggio di quarta generazione (fourth generation language in inglese), ma il computer sul quale il sistema venne sviluppato ammetteva solo nomi di cinque lettere.

Il Forth prevede la possibilità sia di essere eseguito in modalità interattiva, rendendo possibile il suo utilizzo come shell in sistemi che non possedevano un vero e proprio sistema operativo, sia la possibilità di compilare sequenze di comandi per una loro successiva esecuzione.

Come linguaggio di programmazione vero e proprio, il Forth è dotato di un insieme di comandi standard piuttosto potente e di meccanismi che permettono di definire propri comandi, anche usando un mix di comandi standard e linguaggio Assembler. Dato che al livello più alto il codice sorgente di un programma Forth può arrivare ad assomigliare molto al linguaggio naturale inglese, è stato chiamato anche un linguaggio meta-applicativo.

wikipedia: forth

DLH’s Commodore Archive Updated

31 January 2009 1 commento

DLH's Commodore Archive

David Haynes DLH’s Commodore Archive has updated his page.

  • Hardware – JiffyDOS Installation Guides.  Missing are 64, 64c and 128D.  Originals provided by  Chris Ryan
    If anyone has these please contact me.  Also a good copy of the User Manual is needed.
    SX-64, C128, 1541, 1541-II, 1571, 1581, BlueChip BCD, Enchancer 2000, FSD-2, MSD SD-1 & SD-2
  • Magazines – Added torrent for Family Computing (67 Issues)
  • Books – The Official GEOS Programmer’s Reference Guide (BANTAM, 484 pages). This replaces the old scan that did not have OCR.  I included the CMD Addendum at the front (17 pages)

source: DLH Commodore Archive

TRiAD sOUNDS oF tHE a M i G A #1

AmigaFantastico Music-Disk dal gruppo Triad, una raccolta di alcune delle migliori musiche Amiga portate sul Commodore 64.


SJLOAD C64/C64Dtv Fast Loader

SJLOAD is a C64/C64DTV software fastloader. Its main difference from normal fastloaders is that it only works with Jiffy-enabled drives and uses the Jiffy protocol. This makes it handy for people who have a Jiffy-enabled drive (also new hardware such as SD2IEC) but do not want to make the hardware changes necessary for exchanging the C64 kernal.

SJLOAD speed is a bit higher than normal Jiffy since SJLOAD uses the same protocol but a different implementation (it disables the VICII during load etc.). With an SD2IEC, SJLOAD is about 15% faster than a normal Jiffy kernal.

SJLOAD is loosely based on VDOS (1986) by Edward Carroll. However, the fast loading routines have been replaced completely by 1570.


Pushover 64 (Preview) a Italian game for C<64

19 January 2009 2 commenti

Commodore 64 Porting from the original Amiga game by Ocean.

download the latest build here: pushover64

forum thread:

Make Waves v1.00 by FMan

Make Waves is a command line utility to make sinus waves for demos and such.

Each wave is composed of one or more discrete waveforms, which can be created independently. You can make waves that represent a full sine wave, any half of it or a quarter. You can also set a range between 0 and 255 to get suitable values for example to position sprites at the correct height.

You are also able to set a variable length for each wave up to 256 bytes.


Of je worst lust a DTV demo by HeMa!


  • Code: Het Meisje van de Vleeswarenafdeling
  • Music: Red of The Judges
  • Text: De Toiletjuffrouw
  • Charset: Het Meisje van de Vleeswarenafdeling


Categorie:DTV, News & Rumors, Today

Dtvtrans+ v1.0

29 November 2008 Nessun commento

dtvtrans is a PC <-> C64DTV V2/V3 transfer solution. It uses a cable connected between the parallel port of the PC and a joystick port on the C64DTV. (port 1, port 2 and the user port supported).

The transfer speed is roughly 15 Kbyte/s PC -> DTV and 13 KByte/s DTV -> PC. Used with Lallafa’s dtv2ser+usb hardware it is roughly 17 KByte/s PC -> DTV and 19 KByte/s DTV -> PC.

dtvtrans+ 1.0 (20081122) 1570 Changelog:

  • [PC] disable safe setup by default due to problems with some setups
  • [PC] exit on transfer errors
  • [PC] updated autoflash helper (fixes AT49BV163A)


Categorie:DTV, News & Rumors, Today

SD2Browse v0.5 – File Browser for sd2iec

SD2Browse by Hannu Nuotio. Changelog: v.0.5 – 8.11.2008

  • bugfix: load end address was ignored.
  • using kernal screen clear to save some bytes.


  • sd2brwse*.prg – precompiled versions (see “Versions”)
  • sd2brwse.a – the main source file
  • config.def – configuration file
  • Makefile – for easier development
  • readme.txt – this file

download: sd2browse05 (1783) - 14.94 kB

The new name for the project is: CBM FileBrowser

source: Petscii Forums

DTV Flash Utility fix released

The flash utility can be used to (re)flash the DTV’s FlashROM. This way, installing new programs as well as replacing emulation ROMs (BASIC/KERNAL/CHARGEN – also see Kernalpatcher) can be done.


  • (2008-10-18: fixed AT49BV163A)


Categorie:DTV, News & Rumors, Today

Peiselulli DTV Kernal V1.0 Release

DTV Kernal V1.0 by Peiselulli of Tristar & Red Sector Incorporated.


  • V1.0 : renamed to TRSI kernal.
  • scratch menu can select “d64″, “usr” and “seq” files, too.
  • fast formatter removed (does not work very well)
  • ultimate functions added.
  • fill whole mem added.
  • renew function now works.
  • basic function load and save are working now in turbo mode.
  • floppy status function fixed.


Categorie:DTV, News & Rumors, Today

Lallafa’s DTV2Ser v0.4 Released!

29 September 2008 Nessun commento

Dtv2ser is a small hardware device that bridges TLR’s dtvtrans protocol used to communicate with a DTV via a RS232 interface to your Mac or PC.

By using a serial-to-USB adapter the dtv2ser provides dtvtrans access for all modern PCs where the original dtvtrans parallel cable cannot be used.

The new dtv2ser+usb board directly integrates the USB adapter and realizes the full dtv2ser functionality on a USB-stick-like device.
