
Archivio per la categoria ‘Today’

UNP64 v2.23 – Generic C64 prg unpacker by iAN CooG

iAN CooG ha rilasciato una nuova versione del Generic C64 prg Unpacker v2.23 (Sorgenti Inclusi).


v2.23 – 2010.06.12 – 2010.07.30

  • Found a Time cruncher hack expecting registers set by JSR $FD15 ($31/$30/$ff), now it’s handled correctly in pass 1.
  • In verbose mode, now also number of iterations and total cycles taken by the simulated CPU are printed, just to see which is the slowest&fastest unpacker.
  • Raised max iterations to support VERY intensive unpackers like ALZ64, worst testcase I found needs 27097007 (0x019D77AF) iterations to finish unpacking. This cruncher isn’t really meant for crunching programs ranging from $0801 to $ff00 due to its slowness, but still has to be supported even when abused =) New max value is set to 0×02000000, should be more than enough for anything that actually reaches end of unpacking, and won’t cause too much delay with programs that can’t be really unpacked or with endless loops.

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Nuovo aggiornamento Firmware v0.9.3 per l’interfaccia SD2Iec

SD2IEC – è un’interfaccia hardware che emula il Floppy Drive 1541 del Commodore 64/VIC20 utilizzando una scheda SD al posto dei Floppy da 5¼ pollici.

Hardware e il Firmware sono disponibili sotto licenza open source (GPL).


2010-08-02 – release 0.9.3

  • Bugfix: Extension hiding works again with names >12 characters.
  • Bugfix: Increase data hold time during standard TALK.
  • Testing aid: card detect-to-LED function.

source: gitweb forum thread c64-wiki

VIC 20: Realms of Quest III

Realms of Quest III e’ un gioco del genere RPG per Commodore VIC20.

Un RPG ovvero Role Playing Game e’ un gioco nel quale le persone si divertono a prendere il ruolo di un personaggio e farlo vivere.

source: psytronik software

Risolto il problema del firmware crash dell’interfaccia SIO2SD

La mia interfaccia SIO2SD ha deciso di smettere di funzionare dopo un paio di ore che provavo Giochi e Demo.

Ho risolto il problema riprogrammando il firmware con un programmatore per Atmel STK500 USB ISP Programmer e l’utility AVRDUDE.

CBM-Command v1.6 (Bug Fix Update)

CBM-Command è un disk manager multipiattaforma per Commodore 64 / Commodore 128 / Commodore VIC20 / Commodore C16. L’interfaccia assomiglia al Norton Commander / Midnight Commander ma molto più semplice e perfettamente integrata nel sistema operativo. La versione per Commodore 128 puo’ girare anche a 80 colonne.

Release Notes – 2010-07-27 – Version 1.6

New Features:

  • None.


  • (All) Fixed major bug causing directory corruption when using the select all hot key to initiate file copy operations.
  • (All) New progress bar that updates more frequently and is more meaningful to view.

Known Issues:

  • Screen corruption when viewing a drive with no disk in it.


Rilasciata la nuova versione del programma C64-Archiv v3.2

Principali Funzionalita’:

  • Memorizza i giochi del Commodore 64 con un semplice wizard.
  • Gestisce facilmente i programmi del C64 con la creazione di categorie.
  • Avvia i programmi del C64 con diversi emulatori.
  • Fornisce istruzioni dettalgiate per gli emulatori VICE e CCS64.
  • Gestisce e Memorizza i files con le estensioni. D64,. D71,. P00,. PRG e. T64.
  • Gestisce e Memorizza i files con le estensioni: .tap .vsf (VICE-snapshot-file) e .c64 (CCS-session-file)
  • Gestisce e Memorizza i files con le estensioni: .zip, .7z e .cab.
  • Supporto multi linguaggio.

Versione v3.2 – Cosa c’e’ di nuovo?

  • NEW: PDF-files can be stored.
  • NEW: Search window in the Gamebase list.
  • NEW: Italian translation (Thanks to xAD/nIGHTFALL)
  • NEW: The creation of profiles for tools was simplified.
  • FIXED: Improved display of the filesizeBUG fixed: Search window not closed at exit.
  • BUG fixed: Error with long filenames.

source: Mikes Pages

Commodore Free Magazine Issue #42

Commodore Free Magazine Issue #42

In questo numero potete trovare:

  • Editorial.
  • News.
  • The Early Days of Online Genealogy.
  • Interview With Björg Stojalowski.
  • Interview With Ross Myers.
  • A Quick Look At BasicEdit.


1541 Ultimate II: Rilasciato il nuovo firmware v2.0RC5 e i Sorgenti

testo tratto dalla Homepage 1541 Ultimate:

  • Last firmware version: 2.0RC5 is now downloadable from the download page.
  • Ultimate-II sources released!

You can access them through

For those who know how to use SVN, you can do a checkout to create a local working copy by typing:

svn co

in an empty directory. I am working on a short manual, and on access to the tools needed to build the project. This time, the FPGA sources have been released as well. ;-)


Cheril Perils: un Nuovo gioco per ZX Spectrum 48k

Cheril Perils è un nuovo gioco firmato The Mojon Twins per ZX Spectrum 48k.


CBM-Command v1.5 Stable

CBM-Command è un disk manager multipiattaforma per Commodore 64 / Commodore 128 / Commodore VIC20 / Commodore C16. L’interfaccia assomiglia al Norton Commander / Midnight Commander ma molto più semplice e perfettamente integrata nel sistema operativo. La versione per Commodore 128 puo’ girare anche a 80 colonne.

Questa versione contiene molti miglioramenti e fix delle funzionalità esistenti, include il supporto per VIC 20, Plus 4 e la nuova funzionalita’ per il formato disco .D81

Release Notes – 2010-07-21 – Version 1.5

New Features:

  • (ALL) New color picker for the configuration program.
  • (64, 128, PLUS 4) 1581 Disk Image (D81) Support.
  • Added support for Commodore Plus 4 computer.
  • 32K Expanded VIC-20 now supported.


  • (ALL) Removed CTRL key from hot keys that previously required it. Hot keys the use the C= key still require it.
  • (ALL) If you have 1 or more files selected (highlighted) and choose delete, all selected files will be deleted. If you do not have any files selected (highlighted) then only the file that the selector is pointing to will be deleted.
  • (ALL) When you rename a file the textbox is pre-populated with the name of the old file.
  • (VIC 20, Plus 4) Configuration files are enabled and working correctly.
  • (ALL) Changed the UI for file transfers to use a new progress bar to give feedback on the copy operation.
  • (64, 128, Plus 4) Changed the UI for disk image creation/writing to use a new progress bar to give feedback on the image operation.
  • (VIC20) Refactored many of the screens to better fit the 22×23 layout.
  • (VIC20) Filename shortening removed and the file type moved to the left of the directory display.
  • (PLUS4) Created color scheme to match the environment.
  • (VIC20) Panels are not displayed side by side, only one panel is displayed at a time.
  • (VIC20) D64 support is removed, the RAM was needed elsewhere.
  • (ALL) The screen has been made more scalable.

Known Issues:

  • None.


Convertitore ASCII <--> PETSCII per Windows

Convertitore ASCII <–> PETSCII per Windows (Richiede .Net Framework 4).

Il PETSCII (acronimo di PET Standard Code of Information Interchange), o CBM ASCII, è una variante del sistema di codifica ASCII usata nei computer della Commodore a partire dal 1977.


CBM-Command v1.0.4 Beta

CBM-Command è un disk manager multipiattaforma per Commodore 64 / Commodore 128 / Commodore VIC20 / Commodore C16. L’interfaccia assomiglia al Norton Commander / Midnight Commander ma molto più semplice e perfettamente integrata nel sistema operativo. La versione per Commodore 128 puo’ girare anche a 80 colonne.

Release Notes – 2010-07-13 – Version 1.0.3/1.0.4

New Features:

  • (ALL) New color picker for the configuration program
  • (64, 128, PLUS 4) 1581 Disk Image (D81) Support


  • (ALL) Removed CTRL key from hot keys that previously required it. Hot keys the use the C= key still require it.
  • (ALL) If you have 1 or more files selected (highlighted) and choose delete, all selected files will be deleted. If you do not have any files selected (highlighted) then only the file that the selector is pointing to will be deleted.
  • (ALL) When you rename a file the textbox is pre-populated with the name of the old file.
  • (VIC 20, Plus 4) Configuration files are enabled and working correctly
  • (ALL) Changed the UI for file transfers to use a new progress bar to give feedback on the copy operation.
  • (64, 128, Plus 4) Changed the UI for disk image creation/writing to use a new progress bar to give feedback on the image operation.

Known Issues:

  • (VIC 20) Many of the keyboard shortcuts on the left side of the keyboard do not work under VICE. After speaking with members of the VICE team they are pretty sure this is a problem in the GETIN kernel routine which is used by cc65. I would greatly appreciate it if someone with a real VIC can verify that the keys do not work on real hardware before I bring the problem up in the cc65 forums.
  • (Plus 4) Viewing a text file crashes the program.


A new game for Atari 2600: L.E.M. Lunar Excursion Module

Questo e’ un nuovo gioco per la console Atari 2600, il gioco e’ stato scritto da Philsan un’utente del forum di Atariage.

source: atariage forum

Categorie:Atari, News & Rumors, Today

(English) Orion Prime / Cargosoft: The Best adventure game for Amstrad CPC

Ultimate II: Aggiornamento sullo stato del progetto

testo tratto dalla Homepage 1541 Ultimate:

  • 184 Ultimate-II units shipped.
  • The last few (5) will be shipped out tomorrow….
  • If you paid after June 1, you will need to wait until the new production batch is finished. (Refund possible..)
  • New production startup in progress!
  • Unprocessed payments will be processed before the end of the week (week 27). Please hold your payments until further notice!
  • Question of redistributing the Free Xilinx tools within a virtual machine is under review by the legal department of Xilinx. If they approve, I can provide the planned virtual machine; if not, I will need to write instructions on how you can instal the tools separately.
  • Last firmware version: 2.0RC4. Downloadable update available by end of week 28.
