
Archivio per la categoria ‘DTV’

Ultimate II: Aggiornamento sullo stato del progetto

testo tratto dalla Homepage 1541 Ultimate:

  • 184 Ultimate-II units shipped.
  • The last few (5) will be shipped out tomorrow….
  • If you paid after June 1, you will need to wait until the new production batch is finished. (Refund possible..)
  • New production startup in progress!
  • Unprocessed payments will be processed before the end of the week (week 27). Please hold your payments until further notice!
  • Question of redistributing the Free Xilinx tools within a virtual machine is under review by the legal department of Xilinx. If they approve, I can provide the planned virtual machine; if not, I will need to write instructions on how you can instal the tools separately.
  • Last firmware version: 2.0RC4. Downloadable update available by end of week 28.


CBM-Command v1.0.2 Beta

CBM-Command è un disk manager multipiattaforma per Commodore 64 / Commodore 128 / Commodore VIC20 / Commodore C16. L’interfaccia assomiglia al Norton Commander / Midnight Commander ma molto più semplice. La versione per Commodore 128 puo’ girare anche a 80 colonne.

Release Notes – 2010-07-09 – Version 1.0.1/1.0.2

New Features:

  • Added support for Commodore Plus 4 computer.
  • 32K Expanded VIC-20 now supported.


  • (VIC20) Refactored many of the screens to better fit the 22×23 layout.
  • (VIC20) Filename shortening removed and the file type moved to the left of the directory display.
  • (PLUS4) Created color scheme to match the environment.
  • (VIC20) Panels are not displayed side by side, only one panel is displayed at a time.
  • (VIC20) D64 support is removed, the RAM was needed elsewhere.
  • (ALL) The screen has been made more scalable.

Known Issues:

  • (VIC20) Many of the keyboard shortcuts on the left side of the keyboard do not work under VICE. After speaking with members of the VICE team they are pretty sure this is a problem in the GETIN kernel routine which is used by cc65. I would greatly appreciate it if someone with a real VIC can verify that the keys do not work on real hardware before I bring the problem up in the cc65 forums.
  • (VIC20) I still haven’t figured out why saving the configuration doesn’t work. :(
  • (VIC20) CTRL-D and CTRL-E don’t work.
  • (VIC20) The launcher doesn’t yet know about the VIC, so it loads the wrong version of CBM-Command.
  • (VIC20) The configuration tool cannot save.


Some new Games for Commodore 64 (Basic game compo 2010)

Nuovi giochi per Commodore 64.


Unboxing C64SD V2 by Manosoft

C64SD V2 by Manosoft


Salve a tutti, faccio una breve recensione di questa nuova e interessante interfaccia per Commodore 64/VIC20 di Manosoft (Damiano).

Questa interfaccia utilizza il firmware SD2IEC di Shadowolf ma l’idea geniale di Damiano e’ stata quella di auto-alimentare l’interfaccia tramite la presa del registratore a cassette e di inserire un DIN maschio da stampato che si inserisce perfettamente nella porta Floppy del nostro Commodore, guardate le foto che parlano da sole ;-D

Le mie prime impressioni?

Il circuito stampato e’ di ottima costruzione, elegante e funzionale, la barra di metallo fissata sul retro serve da maniglia per l’inserimento dell’interfaccia senza schiacciare la componentistica, facilmente raggiungibile anche lo switch per scegliere il device del Floppy Drive e il ponticello per scegliere se alimentare l’interfaccia tramite connettore del registratore a cassette oppure esternamente.

Molto carini anche i due pulsantini di Reset e Cambio Disco che fanno capolino dal retro del Commodore.

Insomma, un’ottimo prodotto ad un prezzo veramente competitivo.

SD-CARD Tested:



source: c64wiki sd2iec c64wiki sd2iec firmware

The software for the 1541 Ultimate II is finished.

1541 Ultimatetesto tratto dalla Homepage 1541 Ultimate:

il software per l’interfaccia Ultimate 1541 II è stato completato. Nelle ultime due settimane ho fatto molti progressi implementando tutte queste features:

  • USB is now working stable, including insertion and removal.  (My external 500 GB harddisk was detected flawlessly!)
  • Support for USB devices with multiple LUNs (like card readers)
  • GCR (G64) supported added, including write (the Ultimate-I couldn’t do this)
  • T64 file support re-integrated.
  • Tape support, using TAP files (I needed to test the hardware anyway!)
  • Comprehensible menus.
  • Real time clock functional  (still need a clock widget…)
  • I made a wooden mould, to simplify closing the plastic cases without damaging them.

Penso di riuscire spedire le prime 40~50 interfacce il prossimo Mercoledì! Le rimanenti interfacce saranno spedite al più presto! Grazie per la vostra pazienza!


CBM-Command v1.0

CBM-Command è un disk manager per Commodore 64 e Commodore 128.

L’interfaccia assomiglia al Norton Commander / Midnight Commander ma molto più semplice. La versione per Commodore 128 puo’ girare anche a 80 colonne.

Release Notes – 2010-05-26 – Version 1.0

New Features:

  • Simple text file viewer. Now when you use SHIFT-RETURN to open a file, it will ask if you want to view it as text. If you say yes it will present the file in the simple text viewer. If you say no it will launch as normal. If you have selected a SEQ file then it will open straight into the viewer upon hitting SHIFT-RETURN.
  • Help File.


  • Fixed bug where you could move to an unopened panel.
  • Fixed bug where you could not abort a rename by leaving the name blank and hitting return.
  • Reworked how the panels are displayed to allow more characters of names to be displayed in 40 columns.


YM-64 – YM File Player per il Commodore 64

YM-64 è un programma per riprodurre file musicali in formato “YM” sul Commodore 64.

I file “YM” hanno l’estensione “.ym” e contengono musica scritta per Atari ST, Amstrad / Schneider CPC e Sinclair Spectrum.

source: norbert’s homepage

CBM-Command (2010-05-16)

CBM-Command è un disk manager per Commodore 64 e Commodore 128.

L’interfaccia assomiglia al Norton Commander / Midnight Commander ma molto più semplice. La versione per Commodore 128 gira a 80 colonne.

Release Notes2010-05-16

New Features:

  • New navigation options: Page Up, Page Down, Top of Directory, Bottom of Directory. See documentation ( for hotkey assignments.
  • Write D64 to Disk.
  • Write Disk to D64.
  • Configuration program.
  • Generic Loader in CBMCommand.d64.


  • Removed the dropdown menus. All functions have at least one hotkey.
  • Default panels allow you to enter CBM-Command with your favorite drive ready to go.
  • Added function keys and function key bar at bottom of screen.
  • Moved status bar to top of screen.
  • Many, many, many bug fixes.

Known Issues:

  • Getting directory for drive without a disk prints garbage.
  • Writing D64 to disk does not check the target drive for correct type (1541/1571).


CBM-Command (2010-05-10)

CBM-Command è un disk manager per Commodore 64 e Commodore 128.

L’interfaccia assomiglia al Norton Commander / Midnight Commander ma molto più semplice. La versione per Commodore 128 gira a 80 colonne.

Release Notes – 2010-05-10

New Features:

  • Launching PRG Files.
  • New color schemes to better match the C128 and C64 platforms.
  • Function Keys.


  • File copying is now faster on really fast drives by using 1018 byte buffers instead of 254 byte buffers.
  • Files selected in the right panel can now be copied to the left panel.
  • When no drive has been selected, opening a panel will now use the drive that the program was loaded from.
  • Many, many other bug fixes.


CBM-Command (06-05-2010)

CBM-Command è un disk manager per Commodore 64 e Commodore 128. L’interfaccia assomiglia al Norton Commander / Midnight Commander ma molto più semplice.

La versione per Commodore 128 gira a 80 colonne.


C64 Game: Spike from TRSI

TRSI ha rilasciato un nuovo gioco per Commodore 64. Il gioco che si chiama Spike e’ una conversione di un titolo della console Vectrex del 1983.


1541U-II Cases arrived!

Ci spiace, ma questo articolo è disponibile soltanto in English.

Cartograph V1.4 di Arkanix Labs

CartographQuesto versatile programma nativo per Commodore 64 ti permettera’ di creare mappe e livelli per i giochi / demo e molto altro ancora.


  • New: Support for CartographPC filetypes.
  • New: Sample source code to display full screen map.
  • New: Save character set as part of project file if a custom one is in use.
  • Fixed: Color table was saving 4 extra bytes, these have been trimmed off.


1541U-II boards have been produced

Ci spiace, ma questo articolo è disponibile soltanto in English.

1541U-II Plastic Case & Software: Working in progress

Ci spiace, ma questo articolo è disponibile soltanto in English.